Contract Cleaning

We offer specialist cleaning services in York. From cleaning and disinfecting offices, to commercial kitchen cleaning and waste removal. Whatever your commercial cleaning needs we’re here to help improve the cleanliness and safety of your site for the well-being of your staff.

Quality Pub Cleaning Services

One of CICS’s biggest strengths is our ability to tailor our contract cleaning services to each individual client.

As a one-stop shop, we offer our commercial clients a wide variety of cleaning options, including contract cleaning and specialised cleaning. We’re flexible and don’t make our clients sign long agreements. service on a very high level that is also transparent and trustworthy. Great track record of satisfaction among prominent clients.

We provide a variety of one-time, periodic, and regular cleaning services that may be tailored to your specifications, including carpet cleaning, window cleaning, fascia and gutter cleaning, escalator cleaning, high level cleaning, and kitchen and extraction cleans. We also provide facilities maintenance, including cleaning and maintenance of toilets and janitorial supplies.

Qualified Contract Cleaning Service

Our Contract Cleaning is Fully Certified. In addition to ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 certification, we also have ISSA and GBAC approval. We have years of expertise cleaning polluted commercial and public locations, and we’re certified members of the National Academy of Crime Scene Cleaning (NACSC). Our viral disinfection cleaning for emergency vehicles makes use of cutting-edge methods including ultra-low-volume (ULV) fogging technology and ATP testing machines. In addition, we have personnel that are experts in decontaminating industrial locations of biohazards.

500 +
Work Hours
1 k
70 %

Speak to Our Experts

If you would like further information about our services you can contact on the details provided below. 

Address: CICS (Specialised Cleaning) Limited, 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU


Phone: +44 0333-323-0006

© 2024 CICS Ltd.

Registered Address: CICS (Specialised Cleaning) Limited
20-22 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU