Facilities Cleaning

We offer specialist cleaning services in York. From cleaning and disinfecting offices, to commercial kitchen cleaning and waste removal. Whatever your commercial cleaning needs we’re here to help improve the cleanliness and safety of your site for the well-being of your staff.

Facilities Cleaning

Alongside the cleaning of heavy machinery and core industrial units, there are also peripheral facilities that need cleaning. Some of these facilities include locker rooms, cafeterias (tea points), storage areas, security offices, control rooms, laboratories and conference rooms. The cleaning of these facilities is more in line with commercial cleaning and often involves a different set of accreditations based on health, hygiene and environmental considerations such as ISO 14001 and GBAC. Our cleaning technicians are qualified for both types of cleaning (commercial and industrial) and this makes us a particularly attractive solution for companies looking for a simple, turn-key solution that ticks all the boxes of quality and safety assurance.

Our High Level Cleaning Service

We are fully compliant with ISSAGBAC, and ISO 9001, 14001 & 45001 accreditation. We are also accredited members of the National Academy of Crime Scene cleaning (NACSC), and have several years of experience in cleaning contaminated commercial and public spaces. Our virus disinfection cleaning involves highly specialised techniques including ULV fogging technology and the use of ATP testing devices that are particularly suited to ambulances, police cars, and other emergency vehicles. We also have a highly qualified bio-hazard decontamination team that specialise in the cleanup of bio-hazards on industrial sites.

500 +
Work Hours
1 k
70 %

Speak to Our Experts

If you would like further information about our services you can contact on the details provided below. 

Address: CICS (Specialised Cleaning) Limited, 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU

Email: info@cics.co.uk

Phone: +44 0333-323-0006

© 2024 CICS Ltd.

Registered Address: CICS (Specialised Cleaning) Limited
20-22 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU